Internal forum

Internal forum

Once a year the FR AIB organizes its internal forum. It is an opportunity for scientific exchange, discussions, with scientific reports from researchers. It is cross-disciplinary and brings together our diverse scientific community.

In this folder

19 September 2023

Lynn Margulis auditorium - AgroBiosciences building - Auzeville-Tolosane

Forum 2023: LabEx TULIP / FR AIB

Know more

The FR AIB and LabEx TULIP jointly organise their annual forum on October 12 and 13 in the brand-new Agrobiosciences building. The first half-day will focus on the FRAIB environment, with an overview of the technological facilities, followed by Young Scientists talks, granted in 2022. During the following afternoon and Friday, TULIP LabEx will present a program combining presentations by its members and international guests.


Le Forum interne 2016 de notre fédération s'est déroulé le vendredi 25 novembre dans l'Amphi Toulouse-Garonne du Belvédère à Toulouse, de 8h30 à 17h.

AfficheForum 2015

L'édition 2015 du forum interne de la FR AIB s'est déroulée le 16 janvier 2015 à l’Orangerie de Labège. Quatre points au programme : Faits marquants, Projets financés par la FR AIB, Nouveaux recrutés, La FR AIB en 2016 / 2020

Affiche forum interne 2012

Jeudi 26 janvier 2012 - Hôtel Mercure Compans Cafarelli de Toulouse