

The FR AIB consists of 6 research units with a combined research staff of approximately 400... Our main objective is to promote quality research in the fields of plant biology and microbiology, molecular and experimental ecology and in the analysis of biodiversity.

The 6 units are part of the Federation Agrobiosciences, Interaction and Biodiversity:

LRSV - Laboratoire de Recherche en Sciences Végétales

Head : Bernard DUMAS

LIPM - Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes Micro-organismes

Head : Claude BRUAND

SETE - Station d'écologie théorique et experimentale

Head : Michel LOREAU

CNRGV - Centre National de Ressources Génomiques Végétales

Head : Sonia Vautrin

EDB - Evolution et Diversité Biologique

Head : Jean-Louis HEMPTINNE