

Seminars allowing research teams to meet the best French or foreign researchers in their respective fields. Faithful to its role as a scientific facilitator, FR AIB provides financial support for the invitation of speakers. The slots on Friday 11am are reserved for these conferences, which are generally held in the FR AIB seminar room in Auzeville : the Lynn Margulis Auditorium, reserved every Fridays.

In this folder

bandeau K Sohn

Keehoon Sohn leads the group « plant immunity » at the Seoul National University. He will present his work on 8th February at 11am in the Lynn Margulis seminar room (PABS-B).

Mark Gleason is Professor of Plant Pathology at the Iowa State University and was President of the American Phytopathological Society in 2020-2021. He will present his work and projects at a seminar on 23 September at 11am in the FR AIB seminar room.